In [106]:
# for data manipulation
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# for MongoDB connection
import pymongo
import matplotlib as plt
# for statistical hypothesis testing
import scipy.stats
%matplotlib inline
In [92]:
# for interactive plotting
import plotly.plotly as py
import cufflinks as cf
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot
cf.set_config_file(offline=True, theme='ggplot')
print __version__ # requires version >= 1.9.0
In [2]:
def read_mongo(collection, query={}, host='localhost', port=27017, username=None, password=None, no_id=True):
""" Read from Mongo and Store into DataFrame """
# Connect to MongoDB and Make a query to the specific DB and Collection
with pymongo.MongoClient(host, port) as client:
table = client.appstore[collection]
df = pd.DataFrame(list(table.find(query)))
# Delete the _id
if no_id:
del df['_id']
return df
Let's read all the data first.
In [3]:
apps_df = read_mongo('appitems')
In [4]:
apps_df.shape #5658 unique apps
In [10]:
We can see there are some missing values in current ratings and overall ratings. Since the overall rating is actually nomial variable, we can make it numeric for the convinience of visualization.
In [5]:
rating_cleaned = {'1 star':1, "1 and a half stars": 1.5, '2 stars': 2, '2 and a half stars':2.5, "3 stars":3, "3 and a half stars":3.5, "4 stars": 4,
'4 and a half stars': 4.5, "5 stars": 5}
In [6]:
apps_df.overall_rating = apps_df.overall_rating.replace(rating_cleaned)
Let's check out the distribution of apps in terms of category and rating.
In [56]:
cate_cnt = apps_df.groupby(['category', 'overall_rating'])['id'].count().reset_index()
rate_cate_cnt = cate_cnt.pivot_table(index = 'category', columns = 'overall_rating', values = 'id', fill_value= 0)
In [74]:
rate_cate_cnt.iplot(kind = 'bar', barmode = 'stack', yTitle='Number of Apps', title='Distribution of Apps by Category and Rating',
colorscale = 'Paired', theme='white', labels = 'Rating')
We also want to check the relationship between current rating and overall ratings.
In [91]:
rating_df = apps_df[["name","overall_rating", "current_rating", 'num_current_rating', "num_overall_rating"]].dropna()
In [90]:
rating_df.iplot(kind = "bubble", x = "overall_rating", y = "current_rating", size = 'num_current_rating', text = 'name',
xTitle='Overall Rating', yTitle='Current Rating')
In [95]:
rating_df.iplot(kind = "scatter", mode = "markers", x = "current_rating", y = "num_current_rating", text = "name", size = 5, xTitle = "Current Rating",
yTitle = "Num of Current Rating")
In [105]:
# py.iplot(
# {
# 'data': [
# {
# 'x': df[df['year']==year]['gdpPercap'],
# 'y': df[df['year']==year]['lifeExp'],
# 'name': year, 'mode': 'markers',
# } for year in [1952, 1982, 2007]
# ],
# 'layout': {
# 'xaxis': {'title': 'GDP per Capita', 'type': 'log'},
# 'yaxis': {'title': "Life Expectancy"}
# }
# }, )
We want to define a more balanced metric to evaluate the quality of an app to facilitate our further analysis.
In [96]:
rating_df['weighted_rating'] = map(lambda a, b, c,d: np.divide(a,b)*c+(1-np.divide(a,b))*d, rating_df['num_current_rating'],
rating_df['num_overall_rating'], rating_df['current_rating'], rating_df['overall_rating'])
In [104]:
rating_df[['weighted_rating', 'current_rating','overall_rating']].iplot(kind='histogram', barmode='stack', theme='white', title = 'Distribution of Rating Metrics')
We are interested in the question that whether in-app purchases significantly affect the apps' ratings, especially for gaming apps? We can answer this question by doing hypothesis testing. Since the distribution of ratings are not normal, obviously we can’t use t-test or one-way ANOVA test. Thus, we prefer to use Kruskal-Wallis H-test, a non-parametric test which only requires the independence assumption.
In [113]:
free_df = apps_df[(apps_df['is_InAppPurcased'] == 0)&(pd.notnull(apps_df['overall_rating']))][["name","overall_rating", "current_rating", 'num_current_rating', "num_overall_rating"]]
In [115]:
paid_df = apps_df[(apps_df['is_InAppPurcased'] == 1)&(pd.notnull(apps_df['overall_rating']))][["name","overall_rating", "current_rating", 'num_current_rating', "num_overall_rating"]]
In [116]:
free_df['weighted_rating'] = map(lambda a, b, c,d: np.divide(a,b)*c+(1-np.divide(a,b))*d, free_df['num_current_rating'],
free_df['num_overall_rating'], free_df['current_rating'], free_df['overall_rating'])
paid_df['weighted_rating'] = map(lambda a, b, c,d: np.divide(a,b)*c+(1-np.divide(a,b))*d, paid_df['num_current_rating'],
paid_df['num_overall_rating'], paid_df['current_rating'], paid_df['overall_rating'])
In [117]:
free = list(free_df['weighted_rating'])
paid = list(paid_df['weighted_rating'])
$H_0:$ The medians of two groups are the same. $H_1$: The medians of two groups are different.
In [123]:
scipy.stats.kruskal(free, paid)
Thus, we can reject the null hypothesis. It's significant that providing in-app purchases does influent the user experiences of an app, although the association needs further exploration.
In [ ]: